Monday, February 16, 2015

#BookBagMonday: Debut Edition

This is the first edition of #BookBagMonday. Every week I'll be highlighting some of my latest book acquisitions from recent purchases, contest wins or advanced reading copies from publishers. I'll also be listing the books that I read the previous week.

New Additions
I decided to branch out my reading even further to include comics. I'm a huge Marvel fan and have been wanting to start immersing myself back into the universe for a while now. With so many options I had no clue where to start. Then, in my weekly bookstore adventures, I came across the Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel trade paperbacks. The adventure begins this week!

What I read (February 9 - 15)
It was a really slow reading week for me and managed to finish two books. I read Sam Maggs' The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy and William deBuys' The Last Unicorn. A great read for anyone looking to immerse themselves in geek culture. My review can be found here.

I'm currently in the middle of reading a few books, including my #WeekendRead, The Sound of Music Story by Tom Santopietro, and The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King

Really hoping to have a better week this week. What's in your book bag this Monday? Let me know in the comments below.

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