Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Shelfie #12: Baby Steps...

Getting back in to the groove of reading and reviewing has been a tough mountain to climb, in fact, I still have yet to strap on my backpack. With that said, I'm taking baby steps. Gone are my ambitious days where I would pledge to read 5 or 6 books a week. With work in full swing and caring for my threenager and adventurous one year old, reading time is at a minimal. But the fight goes on...

Here's what's jumping off my shelf this week:

To and from work I'll be attempting to read the Productivity Project by Chris Bailey.Living in a fast paced world and for me, working in an even faster paced industry, leaves very little time for fun. My goal is that after I finish reading this book, it will help organize my thoughts and help make small changes to my everyday life. These changes, I hope, will keep me focused on using my time wisely and result in even more precious time spent with my family.

Book #2 is an ARC that comes courtesy of HarperCollins Canada. This is Where The World Ends is a YA contemporary novel by Amy Zhang. This was a book that I requested last year after I read Falling into Place. I really admired Amy Zhang's writing. Her characters felt so real and believable. I'm hoping this carries on to her latest novel. 

What are you reading this week?

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